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Pokémon Go in Singapore

It's been four mouths now since Pokemon Go hit Singapore last Aug 6. People still crazy about this mobile game, from uncle to auntie and even small children, i always saw family going around MBS and other public places. I can't blame them i had my fair share of 2 months doing nothing but just to catch Pokemon. I even take longer time lunch break just to go hunting and fighting in the gym. I just stop playing when i go home in Cebu. It's not that i don't want to play anymore, the internet in Philippines is the worst. So maybe i don't see much of my friend gone crazy about this (because of the internet).

Well anyway, as long as you play in the right place and the right time. Just remember to be alert at all times. Stay aware of your surroundings.


Sentosa around 11pm, almost midnight

Hunters or Tourist??

Around 2am near my place. So no more ghost lah! only people hunting..

Gotta catch them all, lah!

Caught it the right place at the right time. Tee hee!

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